PT Intan Chemical


Intan Chemical Group CSR | September 2022

CSR (Community Social Responsibility) is one of many Intan Chemical Group regular activities. This September, Intan Chemical Group has the opportunity to help others in the slum area in the Rangkah cemetery in Surabaya, Jl Sidoyoso Kali Selatan, RT 03-RT 04, RW 04, Tambakrejo Kel, Simokerto District Surabaya

Intan Chemical Group CSR 2022

CSR Intan Chemical Group – Berbagi Bersama Panthi Werdha “Pelayanan Kasih” Intan Chemical Group held another CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity again this month on August 7th, 2022. CSR is one of many regular activities held by Intan Chemical Group as the form of Intan Chemical Group’s accountability and commitment to contribute to the well-being …

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Together, We Can Do Better

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Lingkungan menjadi konsen kita bersama, polusi menjadi suatu masalah yang selalu berdampingan dengan alam. Tugas kita adalah membuat hal tersebut tidak bertambah buruk. Kebersihan menjadi tanggung jawab kita semua, kita harus jaga untuk menghindari berbagai macam penyakit yang menimpa manusia. Kami, Intan Chemical Group, berkomitmen untuk ikut andil dalam menjaga alam mulai …

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We Never Stop Learning

Learning is the process of gaining new skills, knowledge, understanding, and values Learning process in life is a never-ending process. There is always a scope for improvement and improvement are necessary steps in every individual’s life. Education – both formal and informal – is essential to the development of considerate, compassionate, and cooperative societies, the …

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Intan Chemical Group CSR – Recap 2021 A short recap BénBérg Arôme CSR 2021. CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is one of many regular activities from Intan Chemical Group.  The activity’s purposes are to help the unfortunate and also people who need a hand. Let’s Sharing Bless and Sharing Love!

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