PT Intan Chemical

“At Intan Chemical Group, community upliftment is at the heart of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. We are dedicated to empowering local communities through initiatives that encompass education, healthcare, and economic development. By supporting and collaborating with the communities where we operate, we aim to create lasting positive change and foster a brighter future for all”

Intan Chemical

Intan Chemical Group CSR 2022

CSR Intan Chemical Group – Berbagi Bersama Panthi Werdha “Pelayanan Kasih” Intan Chemical Group held another CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity again this month on

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Intan Chemical

Together, We Can Do Better

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Lingkungan menjadi konsen kita bersama, polusi menjadi suatu masalah yang selalu berdampingan dengan alam. Tugas kita adalah membuat hal tersebut tidak bertambah

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