PT Intan Chemical

CSR Intan Chemical Group - Berbagi Bersama Panthi Werdha "Pelayanan Kasih"

Intan Chemical Group held another CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity again this month on August 7th, 2022. CSR is one of many regular activities held by Intan Chemical Group as the form of Intan Chemical Group’s accountability and commitment to contribute to the well-being of communities and society through various environmental and social measures.

The event was held at Panti Werdha “Pelayanan Kasih” which is located in Jl. Sambisari No.2, Surabaya, Indonesia. Pelayanan Kasih is a nursing home facility for the residential care of elderly or disabled people around Surabaya. The place itself has more than 90 elders with various disabilities and mental disorders. 

The event started at 10 AM and begin with The Intan Chemical Group’s team welcoming the elder in the main hall of the nursing home. Around 90 elders were gathering in the hall sitting in their chairs and excited with the appearance of Intan Chemical Group’s team. As a starting activity, ICG Team were introducing themselves and invited all the members to join the Poco-Poco Dance. Two of the ICG Team stood in the front as the Dance Instructors. The music jumped in and all the members followed the dance instructor’s movement in excitement.

As the Poco-Poco dance finished, the ICG Team Invited the elders to do Karaoke in front of the stage to dance together with the ICG Team to the song requested by the audience. All the members stood up once again and danced together along with the ICG Team. After several physical activities, the members are invited to have a haircut for those whose hair is already grown too long. Around 40 elders were having haircut during the event and getting a new fresh look.

The event is closed with ICG Team distributing lunch boxes to all the members of the nursing home and also people who work there and nearby. ICG Team and the elder are having lunch together while talking about the old days they had to share the experiences.

This event is just one of many regular activities from Intan Chemical Group to share to those who have less fortune. We believe that by volunteering our time and energy to help others can create the world a better place for others. Sharing also connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society for everyone. We Share Because We Care.

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