PT Intan Chemical

Cajuput Oil Benefits and Usages

Cajuput Oil - Minyak Kayu Putih

Cajuput Oil Plant

Cajeput essential oil is derived from the distilled leaves and branches of the cajeput tree. Cajeput, a melaleuca subtype, is native to tropical Australia and Southeast Asia.

Cajuput is also known as kajuput, cajuputi, and minyak kayu putih.

The most well-known Cajuputs oil benefits are its antiseptic and analgesic properties. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, and it’s occasionally used to treat minor skin wounds, colds, and inflammatory skin diseases.

Despite its use as a natural product, cajeput oil has the potential to be as potent as traditional medication. It should be diluted in a carrier oil before applying to your skin, as with all essential oils. Cajeput oil can be used safely on your hair and skin if properly diluted and tested for allergic reactions.


After performing a patch test, you can apply diluted cajeput oil to a larger area of skin. It is safe to use on minor wounds, scratches, and rashes. Another option is to mix a few drops of essential oil into an ounce of body lotion.

You can also apply diluted cajeput oil to your hair in the same way you would to your skin. Add several drops of the essential oil to your shampoo before massaging it into your scalp.

While inhaling cajeput oil directly from the bottle is not recommended, you may consider diffusing the oil for aromatherapy purposes. Congestion may be relieved temporarily.

Get your Cajuput Oil / Minyak Kayu Putih from our Company’s Group at Triefta Aroma Nusantara.

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